Betty’s True-Slim™ Tea – Regular Strength
Betty’s True-Slim Tea – enPR: /bɛtis/tɹuː/slɪm/
noun: definition – organic oriental herb tea that cleanses the body internally and helps to clear the colon that therefore prevents colon cancer.
E.g.: There was no solution to a healthy detoxification without some form of unnatural dieting scheme till the arrival of the Betty’s True-Slim Tea and since then it has changed the lives of many for almost 20 years. You may have encountered its friendly green face during the years, as it awaits to improve your lifestyle, it has also become a part of the lives of many satisfied friends and family’s, improving their physical and mental health.
Betty’s True-Slim™ Tea – Extra Strength
Betty’s True-Slim Tea – enPR: /bɛtis/tɹuː/slɪm/
noun: definition – Betty’s True-Slim™ Tea with a boost, for those that need a more thorough detoxification.

DTOX – enPR: /ˈdiːtɒks/
verb: definition – to extract internal toxins and allow a normal diet without compromise; increase of metabolism offering a health-balanced body suitable for all body types.
E.g.: Whether you want to train, gain weight, lose weight, or simply to enhance your health in general, DTOX is the solution to achieve health-balancing internally.
Ginger Tea – enPR: /ˈdʒɪndʒə/
noun: definition – the root with a kick; Amongst the healthiest spices, an excellent source of antioxidants, loaded with nutrients and bioactive compounds that are beneficial for your body.
E.g.: Betty’s Ginger Tea is uniquely processed to be in another league when it comes to health benefits in comparison to other existing ginger tea brands in the market.

Ginger Tea – enPR: /ˈdʒɪndʒə/
noun: definition – the root with a kick; Amongst the healthiest spices, an excellent source of antioxidants, loaded with nutrients and bioactive compounds that are beneficial for your body.
E.g.: Betty’s Ginger Tea is uniquely processed to be in another league when it comes to health benefits in comparison to other existing ginger tea brands in the market.